E-Mail Accounts

Are you paying more than $14.95/year to register your domain name?

Stop paying too Much!

A few years ago everyone had to pay $35.00/year from the only Registrar available. Now we have more choices and more competition resulting in Much Better Prices!

Click Here to transfer your existing domain or register your new .COM .NET .ORG or the newer .BIZ .INFO .WS and .US Domain name now for only $14.95/year.

Get You@YourDomain.com E-Mail

Even if you don't have a website you can register a domain name for yourself or your business and have your own custom e-mail accounts using your domain name. You@YourDomain.com is much more professional than You@YourISP.net or You1357@msn.com.

Just $12.95 for customized, powerful Web/e-mail!

Budget WebHosting now offers an account that's perfect for getting started. All accounts are fast, ultra-reliable, private and secure; IMAP or Pop3 configuration – your choice. And you can add accounts or storage whenever you need for just pennies a month! The right size, the right price – and now access anytime, anywhere via Budget WebHosting WebMail! Compare and save!

    Your own custom account
  • 1 mailbox
  • 10MB storage
  • Includes WebMail
  • Only $12.95/year
  • Additional mailboxes - $4.95/year
  • Additional space - $4.95/year for 10MB

Just $9.99 for unlimited e-mail forwarding!

E-mail forwarding gives you tremendous flexibility – and unlimited forwards for just $9.99 per year has to be the hottest deal going!

Forwarding lets you re-direct anything that's sent to one e-mail address to another e-mail address. For example: Suppose you purchase a domain name called "mydomain.com". You buy an e-mail account to go along with it; let's call it me@mydomain.com.

Then, for just $9.99, you could create e-mail forwards that "funnel" into that address. Let's call one of them sales@mydomain.com. Anyone could then e-mail you at sales@mydomain.com and you'd receive it in your me@mymaindomain.com mailbox.

Then set up service@mydomain.com; same thing. Billing@mydomain.com. John@mydomain.com. Sue@mydomain.com. And so on. See how valuable e-mail forwarding can be?

NOTE: You must purchase or transfer a domain through Budget WebHosting to use e-mail forwarding.

Why pay more than you need for website hosting. We will host your domain name website for as low as $5.95/month!

Our web hosting datacenter

The days when you needed to pay $25.00 or more a month for a good webhost are gone!

Click Here to compare our webhosting packages to what you currently have.

Your satisfaction is GuaranteedWe offer a 30 day money back guarantee.

Our hosting packages are loaded with everything you will need for your growing website.

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